Sunday, October 26, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!

We've been quite busy with our fall ghost walks, and have not had a chance to do a quick update to our website in a couple of weeks. For those of you that haven't booked your walks yet, we've added three extra tours this week. We've had a pretty good turnout this fall, and we wouldn't want you to miss out. Don't forget to book your tickets!

In part of tonights tour, our guests enjoyed a possible sighting of a spirit at one of our stops in Brampton. We tried to communicate with it, but it didn't want to talk with us or even visit with us further, so we left him alone. Our guests this evening were quite excited at seeing a possible spirit! (More of an update later on...)

Tickets are still $5.00 each, and our last ghost walk runs this Friday at 8:30 pm.