Friday, September 19, 2008

Creekside Location in Bramalea.

We returned to the creekside location in Bramalea this past week to do a second investigation. We believe that we may be on to something at this location.

As always, before starting an investigation, we look for items that may interfere with our equipment, such as power lines, or other objects. We found none.

We started up our equipment and our meter went off the scale as soon as it was turned on. We had really high, positive readings and attempted to communicate with the possible spirit that was visiting us.

Keeping our devices on, we asked the spirit to please step back and prove to us that our equipment was not malfunctioning, and then step forward once again. When we finished our request, the needle dropped to near zero, and then within a moment or two it restarted showing us a positive reading.

We checked through the newspaper archives and found two stories that could explain what is going on at this location. First story was a body that fell into the creek upstream several miles away and was washed downstream. This was the body of a young adult who eventually was found several miles from the location we were at. So it possibly could have been him.

Another more recent story involves a very tragic tale of a young child who drowned in the exact area during a major rainstorm. We believe that it could be him trying to communicate with us. (Please note that for obvious reasons, we won't go into much more detail than this, as it was a very shocking and upsetting event for the Bramalea community when it occurred. We're sure that you will understand that we wish to not upset the community or the families involved by re-posting events that may upset them.)

We will continue to examine this location on a regular basis and attempt to make further contact with either spirits that appear to be in the area. There is definitely something trying to communicate with us - we're just not sure what it is at this point.

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