Friday, November 28, 2008

The Hermitage

Recently we took a trip to The Hermitage, in Ancaster, Ontario. For those of you that have never been, we suggest you go and take the trip there. To get to the Hermitage ruins, you have to walk a short trail through nature.

It's said that the ruins have been known to have spirits present at all times of the day and night, although the Hermitage is just a shell of the former building that was once there. The story behind the Hermitage is that there was a gentleman who had asked permission for a father's daughter in marriage and was deemed to be unsuitable for her, and had decided to kill himself out of distraught. Some stories say that he hanged himself on a tree and other stories say that he hanged himself in a stable.

Either way, something is quite creepy about this place, even in the middle of the day.

We were walking through the trail to get to the ruins of the house, and we found that some of our equipment started to go haywire. Once again, our meters went off the scale, and this time our digital tape recorder didn't act up (like it has on previous investigations, and then, of course, return to a normal state after we leave).

Of course we did our usual searches to make sure that we were not being influenced by power lines or other such anomalies, and none were to be found. We found that the greatest readings we received were right at the entrance gate to the ruins when we entered. When we left, we checked the same location and got zero readings. However, when we walked a little further up the road, we started to get some good readings again, which suggest that perhaps something was around us.

We attempted to communicate with the spirit, and were unable to capture anything on tape. We asked it a few questions (as we always do) and noticed that our meters would spike up and down, although we were static (not moving around). When we thanked the spirit for his time, the needle on our meters just dropped to zero, and we did not have any further readings.

Could it be perhaps that we had an encounter? Possibly. It's been said that there are quite a few spirits on the property itself. We'll be heading back shortly to do a follow up visit and confirm our findings, and of course, try to contact another spirit on the property.

Want to visit the Hermitage? It's located in Ancaster on Mineral Springs Rd. near Sulfur Springs Rd. We had to make a parking lot donation when we arrived which was about $5, but other than that, there are no additional fees.

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