Friday, November 28, 2008

It's Been A While, Part 3

Well, It's been quite a while, again, since the last update, and I think I'm beginning to sound a little like a broken record. Usually in the off-season when things tend to slow down a little in the ghost world, updates are a little less frequent.

But we are still going out and checking places out and seeing what's happening in places where there has been ghostly activities taking place, although not as often as we have jobs in the real world that we also need to attend to.

However, we are planning a couple of events for January and February, and one of them is going to be our Cemetary Visits. We'll be posting a list up here shortly with dates and times, and if you'd like to join us, you are more than welcome to. (Expect the list to be up by mid-December).

In the meantime, we'll be visiting different places across Ontario and letting you know what we find.

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