Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cawthra Estate - Mississauga

We've visited this place a couple of times, and to be honest, it doesn't really strike us as a place where unusual activity would take place on a regular basis. The two times we've been there, we've been thwarted by garden parties taking place, and have been "confined" to the front of the building, and not the rear, where the supposed activities are taking place. Perhaps in the next couple of visits, we'll be able to get around to the rear and investigate.

Our equipment did tend to go a little haywire both here and at the Lakeshore Humber Campus (below). Our voice recorder stopped working and our cameras lost a few pictures. Ghostly activity? Perhaps, but we cannot be sure. Oddly enough, they both worked perfectly fine in the car once we left the lots.

According to the City of Mississauga Website, the Cawthra Estate was built back in 1926. The website goes on to state: "This elegant house was once home to Grace Cawthra Elliot. Grace was a strong willed individual whose desire to preserve her strong family heritage led her to insist that her husband, Col. Harry McIntyre Elliot add the name Cawthra to his own. Her pride also led to the construction, in 1926, of "Cawthra Lotten Estate". The word "Lotten" is a reference to Lot #10. The Georgian-styled house was designed to reflect the Cawthra's British background. When Grace died in 1974, at the age of 96, she was without heirs and a will. The City of Mississauga purchased the Cawthra Elliot Estate and in 1992 completed a rehabilitation of the house."

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