Monday, May 26, 2008

Cawthra Park, Round 2

We went for a visit to Cawthra Park again this weekend. We managed to actually get in behind the house, as there were no lawn parties, catillions or other festive events taking place - even the taxi school wasn't there!

We went around the back and started to look around. We didn't see very much. It's rumoured that the area behind the house where the renovations were made is where all the activity is. The only thing that we found remotely close to any spirits, was the tombstone for the dog that belonged to the Cawthra family. (You can find it on the rear side, west end. Be careful to not step on it).

Overall, I think we're going to not hit this place as much. The Humber Lakeshore Campus is way creepier and as far as we're aware, has more sightings than this place does. It's nice to come to Cawthra House for a visit, but don't expect to be entertained.

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