Saturday, May 17, 2008

Humber College, Lakeshore Campus

There has been plenty of discussion out there about the spirits that haunt the former Mimico Asylum for the Insane, which is now the Lakeshore Campus of Humber College. You may remember it more easily as the location for the Police Academy Series.

There has been many attempts by different groups to actually get into the old non-refurbished cottages, with no luck. From what we understand from others who have attempted to gain access, the College won't allow any access. Of course, this has not stopped "Urban Explorers" who have managed to gain access to the cottages still under construction.

We went for a visit recently to the cottages, which used to house patients in the when it was an asylum. It's said that there are many different spirits that still haunt the buildings. We took pictures of the buildings at about one-fourth of a second apart, and found nothing of true excitement, with the exception of one or two pictures which we are still analysing as a possible sighting. Pictures will be posted shortly, once we have analysed them a little more in detail.

One of the buildings that really gave us the creeps was this building:

There was something about this building that kept drawing me back to taking more pictures of it. I ended up taking about 200 pictures of it on different angles. It certainly gave me the creeps as I was so engrossed with it, that, and it felt as if someone was watching me, and it wasn't our team of ghost-hunters either. The hair on the back of my neck kept standing up when I walked around this building. There was just something about it. It doesn't appear that we have caught anything on digital film on this building, this time, but there was definitely something there watching us.

We moved on to one of the other cottages, and didn't really get the same 'feel' that was eminating from the building above.

If you don't believe that this place is as creepy as we're posting, maybe check out the entry belonging to the ParaResearchers of Ontario on the former hospital grounds.

There was another great website, called the Lakeshore Hospital Project, which seems to have gone offline. We can only hope it comes back online - it was a great resource.

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